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Agnitundi Vati

Agnitundi Vati

Agnitundi Vati plays a crucial role in traditional Ayurvedic practices for addressing digestive issues. This compound boasts a wealth of aromatic and carminative herbs that effectively alleviate gaseousness, alleviate colic pain, and rectify constipation. Its unique blend aims to restore optimal digestion by stimulating the release of digestive juices from the liver, pancreas, and small intestine. This herbal remedy actively works to overcome the ill state of digestive functions. Its potent combination of ingredients actively targets and reduces gaseousness, providing relief from discomfort caused by colic pain. Additionally, it acts to correct constipation, promoting regular and healthy bowel movements. Agnitundi…



Heliotherapy, also known as climate therapy, utilizes natural sunlight to treat specific skin conditions. This form of phototherapy harnesses the healing power of sunlight for medical purposes. The treatment involves exposing the affected skin to sunlight, aiming to alleviate various dermatological issues. In heliotherapy, patients benefit from the therapeutic effects of sunlight, which plays a pivotal role in improving skin health. This method is particularly effective in addressing certain skin conditions by utilizing the positive impact of sunlight on the skin’s physiology. The process involves the patient receiving controlled exposure to sunlight, carefully tailored to their specific condition. This targeted…

Scope of Research in Ayurveda

Research, a tireless pursuit fueled by insatiable curiosity, demands meticulous attention to the minutest details. It necessitates high self-esteem, advanced skills, robust knowledge, and humility—a recognition that science is a collective global enterprise. Achieving this level of expertise requires years of apprenticeship and training. Presently, there is a shortage of scientists with dual competences in both Ayurveda and basic sciences. Without this critical mass, the expectation of high-quality research remains unrealistic.

Shadangapaniya – Benefits and Preparation Method


Shadanga Paniya is liquid preparation used in Ayurveda for the initial stages of fever. It decreases excessive thirst, burning sensation, restlessness, and distaste. It further helps increase appetite. Shadanga Paniya is an example of Shrutsheet Jala that is Kwatha or decoction. Kwatha, Decoction is a method of extraction by boiling herbal or plant material to dissolve the chemicals of the material. It is the most common preparation method in various herbal-medicine systems. Kashaya, Kwatha, Shrut, Niryuha, Kadha, and Niryuha are synonyms of Kwatha.

Sitopaladi Churna – Effective Cough Relief

Sitopaladi Churna

Sitopaladi churna is an effective ayurvedic medicine for treating respiratory diseases, digestive issues, and allergic disorders. The main function of this churna is to restore lung capacity, improve pulmonary performance and boost immunity.Sitopaladi churna is a traditional ayurvedic remedy for respiratory diseases like cough, asthma, tonsillitis, loss of appetite, indigestion, chronic fever, sore throat, throat irritation, and tuberculosis. Imbued with bioactive herbal ingredients, it acts as an expectorant and helps the body to get rid of mucus and phlegm deposits.

Features of Poisoned food

In the vast realm of Ayurveda, the Ashtanga Hridaya serves as a beacon of timeless wisdom, offering profound insights into holistic health and well-being. Among its teachings lie invaluable observations on the characteristics of various foods, guiding us to make informed choices for optimal nourishment. This exploration delves into the Ashtanga Hridaya’s teachings on food features, encompassing a wide array of dietary staples. From identifying subtle changes in texture and taste to recognizing the physiological effects of different food combinations, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the intricacies of nutrition and poisoned foods.

Evidences of Researches in Ayurvedic classics

The Ayurveda is the ancient system of medicine whose antiquity goes back to Veda. Through Ayurveda has divine origin, it shows glimpse of research. Word research itself implicates the meaning search again and again, which reflects that research. Research is continuous process and outcome of it should maintain gold standard throughout. It it is not so, it should change timely that is it must follow ‘Yuganurup Sandarbho’.

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