In the vast realm of Ayurveda, the Ashtanga Hridaya serves as a beacon of timeless wisdom, offering profound insights into holistic health and well-being. Among its teachings lie invaluable observations on the characteristics of various foods, guiding us to make informed choices for optimal nourishment. This exploration delves into the Ashtanga Hridaya’s teachings on food features, encompassing a wide array of dietary staples. From identifying subtle changes in texture and taste to recognizing the physiological effects of different food combinations, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the intricacies of nutrition and poisoned foods.
In the Ayurvedic text of Ashtanga Hrudaya, Aacharya Vagbhata mentions the features of poisoned food which can be easily identified by common people.
ओदनो विषवान् सान्द्रो यात्यर्वास्त्राव्यतामिव ।
चिरेन पच्यते पक्वो भवेत्पयुर्षितोपम् ॥
मयूरकण्ठतुल्योष्मा मोहमूर्छाप्रसेककृत ।
ह्रीयते वर्णगन्धाधैः क्लिद्यते चन्द्रिकाचितः ॥
(अ.हृ.सू – ७/३-४)
When poison is mixed with any food, it affects the viscosity of the mixture, causing it to become thick and unable to flow out of the vessel easily. This change in viscosity can be a warning sign of contamination and can make the food difficult to handle or consume safely.
Cooking Time
The presence of poison in any food can prolong its cooking time. The toxic substance interferes with the natural cooking process, requiring more time and energy to achieve the desired level of doneness. This delay can increase the risk of exposure to harmful compounds present in the poisoned rice.
Despite the prolonged cooking time, poisoned food becomes stable relatively quickly after cooking. This stability refers to the state of the rice retaining its toxic properties even as it cools down. It is crucial to recognize that stability does not imply safety, as the food remains dangerous even after cooking.
Flame Color
One distinctive characteristic of poisoned food is the color of the flames it emits when thrown on fire. The flames resemble the iridescent blue hues often seen in a peacock’s neck. This unique phenomenon can serve as a visual indicator of contamination, alerting individuals to the presence of poison in the foods.
Physiological Effects in Poisoned Food
Consuming poisoned food can lead to various physiological effects on the human body. These effects may include delusion, fainting, and excessive salivation. Such symptoms can manifest rapidly after ingestion and may indicate severe poisoning requiring immediate medical attention.
Degradation in Poisoned Food
Poisoned foods experience swift degradation, marked by changes in color, taste, and overall quality. The introduction of toxic substances hastens this deterioration process, resulting in rice that becomes unpalatable and potentially hazardous. Even efforts to disguise its appearance or flavor cannot mitigate the dangers posed by such contamination.