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Scope of Research in Ayurveda

Research, a tireless pursuit fueled by insatiable curiosity, demands meticulous attention to the minutest details. It necessitates high self-esteem, advanced skills, robust knowledge, and humility—a recognition that science is a collective global enterprise. Achieving this level of expertise requires years of apprenticeship and training. Presently, there is a shortage of scientists with dual competences in both Ayurveda and basic sciences. Without this critical mass, the expectation of high-quality research remains unrealistic.

Evidences of Researches in Ayurvedic classics

The Ayurveda is the ancient system of medicine whose antiquity goes back to Veda. Through Ayurveda has divine origin, it shows glimpse of research. Word research itself implicates the meaning search again and again, which reflects that research. Research is continuous process and outcome of it should maintain gold standard throughout. It it is not so, it should change timely that is it must follow ‘Yuganurup Sandarbho’.

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