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Historical background of Research in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is very eternal science. Propagation of Ayurveda on the earth starts from god Bramha to Daksha Prajapati to Ashwini Kumara to Indra.

In human being it went on progression and propagating by the tireless efforts of Acharya Punarvasu Atreya, Devodas Kashiraj (Dhanvantari), Bharadwaj Rushi, Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata, Nimi, Nagarjuna etc.

In progression of ayurveda science, ancient period had so many innovations, new ideas, new medicines, methods and many other things added by scholars by their studies and research.

  1. In acharya Charak period mainly ayurvedic medicine branches were highly developed.
  2. In acharya Sushruta period various types of operatives were done.
  3. In acharya Nagarjuna period various rasa-kalpas were prepared and discovered.

Already all these medicine procedures, everything has been proved effective by their own experiments, experience, observation and results on their patients. But now in globalization era we are again proving this by latest methodology techniques.

Examples Researches in ancient Ayurveda

A. Ashwini Kumar

  1. Acharya Ashwinikumar has discovered miraculous surgeries like transplanting testis of goat to lord Indra.
  2. Vishala wife of king Khela when got injured, she was operated by prostatic implant of iron cast.
  3. Treated effectively Rajyakshma (Tuberculosis) of Somraja very effectively.
  4. With the help of Rasayan chikitsa he gave very younger and useful life to Chyavan rushi. (Anti-aging therapy)

B. Charaka

The various ayurvedic medicines used by acharya charaka and describing chikitsa sthana are experience oriented research of that time.

C. Sushruta

  1. Acharya sushruta has described macro and micro structures of various organ of the body, for garbhasharir he himself dissected many cadavers and hence study thoroughly.
  2. Acharya sushruta described various surgeries meticulously e.g. Asthibhagna (Fracture of bones), Linganash (Cataract), Nasa sandhan (Rhinoplasty) at that time & now in modern days also many procedures of sushruta are still used so this ayurvedic scholar is called as “Father of Surgeries.”

D. Nagarjuna

  1. In revolution, ayurvedic therapy is done by using Rasa, Maharasa, Ratna, Upratna, Dhatu, Upadhatu, Vishdravya and detoxification (shodhan) etc. is palatable for human being.
  2. Even toxic material like parada, gandhaka he detoxified it with various sanskaras and made it use in various diseases.
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