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  • Neti – Nasal Cleaning according to Ayurveda

    Neti – Nasal Cleaning according to Ayurveda

    Nasal cleansing practices, collectively known as neti karma, have been integral components of traditional Indian medicine and yogic traditions for centuries. Among these practices, sūtraneti, jalaneti, and madhu neti stand out as effective methods for purifying the nasal passages and promoting respiratory health. Rooted in ancient texts like the Gheranda Sanhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika,…

  • Understanding the Different Types of Ayurvedic Treatments

    Understanding the Different Types of Ayurvedic Treatments

    Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional wellness system from India, offers unique treatments for maintaining health. This holistic approach balances body and mind using natural therapies. With roots stretching back thousands of years, Ayurveda has gained global attention for its integrative healing methods.Experts research this practice to verify its effectiveness scientifically; however, it remains a primary healthcare…

  • Arthapatti Pramana – Hidden meaning revealer pramana

    Arthapatti Pramana – Hidden meaning revealer pramana

    In the vast realm of Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine, there exists a lesser-known but powerful concept called Arthāpatti Pramana. Often regarded as the fifth Pramana, or means of valid knowledge, by commentators of the Mimamsa Darshana, Arthāpatti Pramana holds the key to understanding the enigmatic and unexplained aspects of Ayurvedic principles. While renowned…

  • Karma – Definition and Ayurvedic aspect

    Karma – Definition and Ayurvedic aspect

    In the profound tapestry of philosophy and the intricate wisdom of Ayurveda, the concept of Karma stands as a foundational force that shapes the very essence of existence. As we embark on this insightful exploration, our focus is centered on unraveling the dimensions of Karma – its definition, classifications, and the unique perspective it holds…

  • Diet Regulations in Acid Peptic Disorders

    Diet Regulations in Acid Peptic Disorders

    Many people today suffer from acid peptic disorders, such as gastritis and ulcers. These conditions can cause discomfort and pain, making it important to pay attention to what you eat. A well-regulated diet plays a crucial role in managing these disorders and promoting overall digestive health. In this blog post, we will discuss the key…

  • Pregnancy – Ayurvedic Self-Care for a Fulfilling Journey

    Pregnancy – Ayurvedic Self-Care for a Fulfilling  Journey

    The journey of pregnancy is a profound and transformative period in a woman’s life, necessitating meticulous care and attention. Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine originating from ancient India, embraces holistic principles that offer a comprehensive approach to self-care, nurturing the mind, body, and spirit of an expecting mother.

  • Tribhuvan Kirti Ras – Benefits, Ingredients and Doses

    Tribhuvan Kirti Ras – Benefits, Ingredients and Doses

    Tribhuvan Kirti Ras, a revered Ayurvedic formulation encapsulated in tablet form, stands tall as a quintessential remedy within traditional medicine. Its efficacy spans a broad spectrum, targeting acute and chronic fevers, liver and spleen disorders, digestive intricacies, and a plethora of respiratory ailments. However, due to its potent composition, diligent supervision from medical experts is…

  • Yoga Nidra – A Deep Dive into Inner Peace and Relaxation

    Yoga Nidra – A Deep Dive into Inner Peace and Relaxation

    In today’s fast-paced world, where the demands of daily life can take a toll on our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, finding inner peace is a universal desire. One ancient practice that promises to lead us to this sanctuary of tranquility is Yoga Nidra, often referred to as “yogic sleep” or “sleep meditation.” In this…

  • Bronchial Asthma – Concept of Tamaka Shwasa

    Bronchial Asthma – Concept of Tamaka Shwasa

    Swasa (Asthma) is a condition that simply refers to difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. The condition can originate from the respiratory system, referred to as primary. It can also originate from other systems of the body, referred to as secondary. Bronchial Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease. It affects the airway and causes…

  • Vaisheshika Darshana and Ayurveda

    Vaisheshika Darshana and Ayurveda

    Vaisheshika Darshana is one among the Astika Darshana, propounded by Maharshi Kanada. It is also known as Aulukya Darshana, Samana Tantra, Samana Nyaya, Kalpa Nyaya. He highlighted the description of “Vishesha” of Shat Padartha (Six positive substances) hence named as “Vaisheshika Darshana'”. Maharshi Kanada used to collect and eat Ahāra-kana (food particles), hence named as…

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