Shadangapaniya is liquid preparation used in Ayurveda for the initial stages of fever. It decreases excessive thirst, burning sensation, restlessness, and distaste. It further helps increase appetite. Shadanga Paniya is an example of Shrutsheet Jala that is Kwatha or decoction. Kwatha, Decoction is a method of extraction by boiling herbal or plant material to dissolve the chemicals of the material. It is the most common preparation method in various herbal-medicine systems. Kashaya, Kwatha, Shrut, Niryuha, Kadha, and Niryuha are synonyms of Kwatha.
Shadanga contains six drugs, Musta, Parpatak, Usheera, Chandana, Uddichya, and Nagar. Every drug had shown an antimicrobial effect in a different spectrum. The microorganisms are responsible for the infection which in turn induces the fever. Hence the inhibition of the microorganism will control the infection and help in the reduction of fever.
मुस्तपर्पटकोशीरचन्दानोदीच्यनागरै: |
श्रुतशीतं जलं दद्यात पिपासा ज्वर शान्तये ||
-च. चि. ३/१४५
- Musta – Cyperus rotundus
- Parpatak –Fumaria vaillantii
- Usheera – Vetiveria zizaniodes
- Chandana – Santalum album
- Uddichya – Pavonia odorata
- Nagar – Zingiber officinale

Preparation Method
The crude powder of each herb is listed in the contents section. All six herbs in equal proportion by weight are taken.
10 grams of crude powder of herbal mixture added in 1280 ml water. Boil water with the shadangapaniya herbal mixture, and then simmer the water until it reduces by half.
Let it cool down and then filter the water and separate it from herbal residues.
Shadangapaniya is known as filtered water.
Dosage & Administration
There is no specific dosage for Shadanga Paniya. 50 ml to 100ml 3 to 6 times a day.
Action of Each Herb
Musta – Trishna Nigrahana
Parpatak – Dah Prashaman
Usheera – Aamapachana
Chandan – Pachana with Pittashaman
Udichya – Dah Prashaman
Nagar – Aamapachana, Agnideepana
Benefits of Shadangapaniya
Shadangapaniya is a unique combination of different herbs, which is useful in all kinds of Jwara. The combination possesses the antipyretic effect in all kinds of fevers which are originating from viral, bacterial, and parasitic origins. Therefore this is to conclude that shadangapaniya as the adjuvant medicated liquid is useful in all kinds of Jwara.
The Musta Cyperus rotundus has shown efficacy over the Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria. Parpatak is efficacious in the inhibition of the dengue virus (DENV). Usheera is efficacious in fever due to yeast. Uddichhya is effective against S.aureus, Diplococcus pneumonia, Chrysoporium Indicum, and Botrydiplodia sps. The Santalum album is effective against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and antimitotic resistant Candida species Herpes simplex virus Type 1e, H3N2 virus, Bacillus subtitles, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans.
Zingiber officinale had shown the reduction in yeast-induced fever and show the inhibition of the growth of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. As shown in research the antipyretic effects range from dengue, malaria, and typhoid to an exhibition of antimicrobial effects.