Sanjeevani Vati is mentioned in Ayurvedic formulary of India and is prescribed for the treatment of cough and fever. It is a polyherbal prescription containing ten ingredients. Sanjeevani Vati is a diaphoretic formula that increases sweating. It is a detoxifying formula that reduces aama. The ‘Aama’ which leads to blockage in channels and causes many diseases like sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis. The ingredients of Sanjeevani Vati are universal digestive aid, antihelminthic, diuretic, carminative etc.Sanjeevani Vati reduces Aama dosha and Kapha dosha and pacifies Vata dosha. It might increase pitta dosha.
The medicinal uses of Sanjeevani Vati are attributed to the following medicinal properties:
- Antitoxins
- Antivenin
- Antimicrobial
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Ama Dosha Pacifier (Ama Pachak)
- Antitussive
विडङ्गं नागरं कृष्णा पथ्यामलविभीतकम्।।
वचा गुडूची भल्लातं सविषं चात्र योजयेत्।
एतानि समभागानि गोमुत्रणैव पेषयेद्।।
गुञ्जाभा गुटिका कार्या दद्यताद्रकजै रसै।
एकामजीर्णगुल्मेषु द्वे विषूच्यां प्रदापयेत्।।
तिस्त्रन्श सर्पदष्टे तु चतस्र सन्निपातिके।
वटि सञ्जीिनी नाम्ना सञ्जीवयति मानवम्।।
शार्ङ्गधर संहिता (म. ख. ७/१८-२१)
Vidang (False Black Pepper) – Embelia ribes
Sonth (Ginger Rhizome) – Zingiber officinale
Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper longum
Haritaki or Harad (Chebulic myrobalan) – Terminalia chebula
Bibhitaki (Bahera) – Terminalia bellirica
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) – Emblica officinalis
Vacha (Sweet Flag) – Acorus calamus
Giloy (Guduchi) – Tinospora cordifolia
Shuddha Bhallataka (Marking Nut) – Semecarpus anacardium
Shuddha Vatsanabha – Aconitum ferox
- First take Shuddha Bhallataka, Shuddha Vatsanabha and fresh stems of Giloy (Guduchi).
- Make a paste of fresh giloy stem and mix Shuddha Bhallataka and Shuddha Vatsanabha in it.
- Then, add other fine powder of other ingredients and mix well in a mortar with the help of stone pestle.
- Now add Cow’s Urine in this mixture in the quantity so that it attains a paste-like consistency.
- Pestle in the mortar for about 12 hours.
- Then make tablets each of 125mg.

- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula ) – Tridoshahara, esp. Vathar, Deepan, Pachana, Vatanuloman, Mutral, Dahaprashman, Krimighna, Jwaraghna, Medhya, Rasayan
- Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) – Tridoshahara, esp. Kaphahar, Deepan, Anuloman, Krimighna, Kasa-swasahar, Dahaprashman, Jwaraghna
- Amalaki (Emblica officianalis) – Tridoshahara, esp. Pittashamak, Deepan, Rochana, Anuloman, Triptighna, Mutral, Krimighna, Dahaprashman, Jwaraghna, Bhedana, Rasayan
- Shunthi (Zingiber officianale) – Kapha-vata hara, Deepan, Pachana, Rochana, Shoolhara, Triptighna, Vatanuloman, Shwashar, Grahi
- Pippali (Piper longum) – Kapha-vata hara, Deepan, Pachana, Rochana, Vatanuloman, Krimighna, Mradurechaka, Triptighna, Shool-Anaha-hara, Kashar, Shwasahar, Jwaraghna, Rasayana
- Vidanga (Emblica ribes) – Kapha-vata hara, Deepan, Pachana, Anuloman, Mutrajanan, Triptighna, Krimighna, Shool-Anaha-hara, Rasayan
- Vacha (Acorus calamus) – Kapha-vata hara, Deepan, Pachana, Anuloman, Triptighna, Krimighna, Swedjanan, Mutrajanan, Shool-Anaha-hara, Medhya, Sheetprashman, Kasa-swasahar, jwaraghna
- Guduchi (Tinspora cardifolia) – Tridoshahara, Deepan, Pachana, Anuloman, Krimighna, Triptighna, Jwaraghna, Dahaprashman, Rasayana
- Shudha Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) – Kapha-vata hara, Swedjanan, Mutrajanan, Sannipata Jwaraghna, JangamVishaghna
- Shudha Bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium) – Kapha-vata hara, Deepan, Pachana, Krimighna, Grahi, Yakreetuttejak Sheetprashman, Vishaghna, Swedajanan, Chedana, Bhedana, Medhya, Rasayana.
- Gomutra – Kapha-vata hara, Deepan, Pachana, Vatanuloman, Krimighna, Shool-Anaha-hara Medhya, Purgative, Vishagna, Bhedana.
- AT THE LEVEL OF DOSHA – In Ajirna, Visuchika, Gulma, Sannipataj Jwara, Samana Vayu, Pachaka Pitta and Kledaka Kapha these three are the main culprits. Because of its Laghu (100%), Tikshna (63.63%), Ruksha (45.45%) Gunas and Katu (72.72%), Tikta (72.72%) Rasa (dominant with Agni, Vayu and Akasha Mahabhuta) it subsides the aggravated Kapha. While, by Usna Virya (81.81%) and Tikshna (63.63%), Snigdha (36.36%) Guna it counteracts Vata.
Due to Madhura rasa (45.45%), Snigdha guna (36.36%), Anushna virya, Madura vipaka (81.81%). it balance the Pitta. - AT THE LEVEL OF DUSHYA – From the Samprapti of all above Roga, it is clear that the main Dushya involved is Rasa Dhatu. The combination shows, about 72.72% of total drugs have a Katu Rasa, 72.72% of Tikta Rasa and 54.54% have got Kasaya Rasa. Tikta and Katu Rasa improves the Digestion and made first Dhatu in proper form, so the combinations will action on the Rasa Dhatu.
- PROBABLE ACTION ON SROTAS – The disease exhibits three type of Sroto Dusti (Sanga, Vimarga-gamana, Atipravritti). The combination by the virtue of Deepana (100%), Pachanaa (72.72%), Anuloman (81.81%) property, Laghu (100%), Snigdha (36.36%), Tikshna (63.63%) guna, Katu (72.72%), Tikta (72.72%), Kasaya (54.54%) Rasa and Usna (81.81%) virya relieves Sanga type of Dusti. Anulomana (81.81%) property relieve from Vimarga-gamana type of dusti in Gulma Roga. Deepana (90.9%), Pachana (81.81%) and Grahi (27.27%%) property and also by the virtue of Ruksha Guna (about 45.45% of total drugs) decreases Srotogata Ama and Pichhilata and relieves Ati Pravritti.
- PROBABLE ACTION ON AGNI LEVEL – By virtue of its Deepana (90.9%), Pachana (81.81%), Rochana (27.27%) property, Katu (72.72%), Lavana (9.09%), Tikta (72.72%), Amla (18.18%) Rasa, Laghu (100%), Tikshna (63.63%), Ruksha (45.45%) guna, Usna virya (81.81%). it stimulates Jatharagni which turn by turn stimulates all other Agnis.
- PROBABLE ACTION ON AMA LEVEL – An Ama means unripe and undigested Annarasa. It needs proper Paka. By virtue of its Deepana (90.9%), Pachanaa (72.72%), Rochana (27.27%) property, Katu (72.72%), Lavana, Tikta (72.72%), Amla Rasa, Laghu (100%), Tikshna (63.63%), Ruksha (45.45%) guna, Usna virya (81.81%), will stop the further Ama production and help into break the basic pathology. This Ama Pachanaa causes Srotomukha Vishodhana. Drugs like Pippali, Shunthi, Vidanga, Vacha, Guduchi etc. are proved as a best Ama Pachaka. So this formulation will act as Ama Pachana and Agni Deepana.
- PROBABLE ACTION ON SARPADAMSHA – Prativish Chikitsa means the use of toxic substance as an antitoxic agent in the management of poisoning. When all treatment measures for poisoning become unsuccessful, at that time Prativish Chikitsa is very useful. Sthavara Visha (inanimate poisons) can be successfully treated with Jangama Visha (animate poisons) and vice versa. Visha (poison) possesses the properties like Laghu (lightness), Sukshma (fineness), Aashu (quick acting), Vyavayi, etc. hence it can spread all over the body and can reach into entire system and organs very quickly.These properties of poisons are used while using poisonous substance as Prativish.
So, Visha Dravyas (poisonous substances) having opposite action to that of poison consumed can cure the signs and symptoms produced by that poison and save the life of the patient. This is the basic consideration in Prativish Chikitsa. Sanjivani Vati is also useful in Sarpdamsha and other poisons because of Vatsnabha and Bhallatak used in it.
These are plants having poison like properties (SthavarVisha) which acts as antidote to animal poison (JangamVisha) Last but not the least, Gomutra used for Bhavana in this formulation has Deepan, Swedal, Vatkaphshamak, Krimighna as well as Vishaghna properties.
- Ama Dosha
- Fever
- Indigestion
- Intestinal Worms
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Cough
- Upper Respiratory Infection
- Cholera
- Snakebite
- Gastroenteritis
- Typhoid Fever
Let’s discuss its major uses and benefits in some important health conditions:
Fever Management –
Sanjeevani Vati has diaphoretic effect. This effect is attributed to Shuddha Vatsanabha and Shuddha Bhallataka. Other ingredients break the fever cycle and prevent a rise in temperature.
According to ayurveda, Ama Dosha is a primary factor for any disease. It eliminates Ama Dosha and kills microbes. These effects help in reducing infection. For antipyretic action, Sanjeevani Vati is used along with Praval Pishti and sometimes with Godanti Bhasma.
Indigestion –
Sanjivani Vati works in indigestion associated with aggravation of Kapha Dosha and Ama Dosha. It reduces Kapha and eliminates Ama (toxins), which helps in alleviating the following associated symptoms:
• Abdominal heaviness.
• Belching with a taste of food or sweet and salty taste.
• Abdominal discomfort.
Typhoid Fever –
Sanjivani Vati is very useful in typhoid fever. Along with Praval Pishti, it is given for 3 to 4 weeks for its treatment.
Sanjivani Vati(125mg),
Tulsi Churna(1.5gm) and
Praval Pishti(500mg) together.
In this dosage, this mixture should be continued for about 6 weeks. This mixture should be taken twice a day.
Snake Bite –
Sanjivani Vati is a primary medicine for snake bite. It has antivenin properties, which reduces the risk and symptoms of snake poison.
In the case of snake bite, it should be given in a dosage of 3 tablets (375 mg) and 2 times a day.
The classical ayurvedic dosage of Sanjivani Vati is as follows:
Children – 2 mg per kg of body weight
Adults – 125 to 375 mg (1 to 3 tablets)
Geriatric Dosage – 125 mg (1 tablet)
Maximum Possible Dosage – 750 mg per day
In Ayurvedic Scripture Sharangdhara Samhita, it’s recommended dose –
– In Ajirna and Gulma- 1 Ratti (125 mg)
– In Visuchika- 2 Ratti (250 mg)
– In Sarpadamsa- 3 Ratti (375mg)
– In Sannipataj Jwara- 4 Ratti (500mg) 125-500 mg, two to three times a day with Adrak swarasa and honey according to condition of diseases.
As Sanjivani vati might increase pitta dosha. So, it is not suitable for patients with aggravated and increased pitta dosha. If it is taken by such people, it can cause the following side effects:
1. Acid reflux.
2. Heartburn.
3. Burning sensation in the abdomen.
4. Dry cough.
You should not use Sanjivani Vati in the following health conditions:
• Aggravated or increased pitta dosha.
• Dry cough.
• Bradycardia (low heart rate).
• Hypotension (low blood pressure).
• Patient with any of heart diseases.
• Acid reflux.
Pregnancy & Lactation
Sanjivani Vati is likely unsafe during pregnancy. So, you should not take it. The safety profile of Sanjivani Vati is not well established for lactating mothers.