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Ayurvedic treatment regimen on PCOS

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a relatively common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age group. It is found in around 70% of women who have ovulation difficulties leading to subfertility. It is a condition that has cysts on the ovaries that prevent the ovaries from performing normally. Symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) include Amenorrhea or infrequent menstruation, irregular bleeding, infrequent or no ovulation, multiple immature follicles, increased levels of male hormones, male pattern baldness or thinning hair, excess facial and body hair growth, acne, oily skin or dandruff, dark-colored patches of skin especially on neck, groin, underarms, chronic pelvic pain, increased weight or obesity, diabetes, lipid abnormalities, and high blood pressure.

Fertility problems experienced by women with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) may be related to the elevated hormone, insulin, or glucose levels, all of which can interfere with implantation as well as the development of the embryo. Increased Leutenizing hormone reduces the chance of conception and increases miscarriage. Additionally, abnormal insulin levels may also contribute to poor egg quality, making conception more difficult.

3 Staged Treatment Regimen for PCOS

In crafting a comprehensive treatment protocol for female reproductive health, a meticulous three-stage approach has been devised to systematically address diverse aspects of well-being.

In stage 1 (Day 1 to day 14)

Administer 30ml of Triphala Kwatha, 2 Chandraprabha pills, and 5g of Manibhadra powder twice daily – in the morning and at 6 PM in the evening. These medications facilitate basic body purification and support the proper functioning of the female genital organs.

In stage 2 (Day 15 to 4th month)

Administer 5g of each powder of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Shatapushpa (Peucedanum graveloens), and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) twice daily in the morning and evening. Additionally, provide 20ml of Krishna Jeeraka twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Shatavari corrects hormonal influence and enhances follicular maturity. Meanwhile, Guduchi boosts patients’ immunity (Ojas). Shatapushpa acts as a follicular maturity substance and as a pain relief agent. It also acts against menstrual irregularity.

In stage 3 (4th to 6th month)

Administer patients with 5g of Atibala (Abutilon indicum) and Shatapushpa powders each, along with 4 pills (125mg each) of Rasayana Kalpa (A. racemosus, Terminalia chebula, T.belarica, Embelica officinalae, T. cordifolia, Naredostachys jatamansi, Herpestis monnieria) twice daily, in the morning and evening at 6 PM. Additionally, treat them with 20ml of Sahachara oil twice a day, in the morning and evening at 8 PM.

Administer Uttara Vasti locally to these patients. Use 5ml of Shatapushpa oil on two consecutive days each month, starting from the day menstrual flow ceases, specifically between the 4th and 10th day of the cycle. Atibala is employed to correct hormonal imbalances and prevent miscarriages. Sahachara aids in removing unwanted follicles.

Following the outlined Ayurvedic treatment regimen, 85% of patients experience successful recovery from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Remarkably, 75% of these individuals achieve successful conception, underscoring the efficacy of the holistic approach in not only managing PCOS but also fostering improved reproductive outcomes. This outcome attests to the tailored and progressive nature of the treatment plan, showcasing its effectiveness in addressing both symptomatic relief and the underlying factors contributing to PCOS.

Expert Supervision and Patient Monitoring

While the Ayurvedic treatment regimen outlined may appear beneficial, safe and successful administration depends solely on close collaboration with a registered Ayurvedic practitioner. The nuanced nature of herbomineral formulations and their potential interactions necessitate individualized assessment and consistent monitoring by a qualified Ayurveda doctor. This expert guidance ensures timely adjustments and modifications tailor-made to your unique response and health status, maximizing the regimen’s potential while minimizing any potential risks. Remember, optimal health outcomes and responsible practice go hand-in-hand.Attempting this treatment independently, without the guidance of a skilled practitioner, may pose risks and compromise its effectiveness. The expertise of an Ayurveda doctor is essential in tailoring the regimen to the specific needs of the individual, optimizing the chances of success and ensuring the safety and well-being of the patient throughout the therapeutic journey.

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