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Hingu – Medicinal Uses

Dysmenorrhea – Intake of 100 ml of buttermilk with a pink of Asafetida (Hing), 1/2 teaspoon of Fenugreek (Methi) powder and little salt twice daily for 3 days is beneficial.

Toothache – Mix 1/2 teaspoon of Asafetida (Hing) powder in 2 teaspoons of lime juice and heat the solution slightly. Dip a small cotton ball in the solution and place it on the aching place for 20 – 30 minutes to get relief.

Headache – Prepare the paste of 1 part of hingu, 1 part of dry ginger, 1 part of camphor, 2 parts of tailed pepper by adding some milk. External application of this fine paste on the forehead to cure tension headaches as well as migraine.

Flatulence – Mix 1 gram of dry ginger powder, a pinch of hing, little black salt added in 100 ml of warm water or buttermilk and consume twice daily.

Indigestion – Take 5 grams of the powder prepared from an equal quantity of dried ginger, long pepper, curry leaves, ajwain, black pepper, cumin, and asafetida (hing) with a little ghee and salt and taken with the first bolus of food is useful in indigestion and flatulence, etc.

Piles – Regular intake of 100 ml of buttermilk with a pinch of hing twice or thrice a day is highly

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