Vaisheshika Darshana is one among the Astika Darshana, propounded by Maharshi Kanada. It is known as Aulukya Darshana, Samana Tantra, Samana Nyaya, Kalpa Nyaya. He highlighted the description of “Vishesha” of Shat Padartha (Six positive substances) hence named as “Vaisheshika Darshana‘”. Maharshi Kanada used to collect and eat Ahāra-kana (food particles), hence named as “Kanada“. He used to beg at nights like an owl and was also blessed by the Lord Shiva in the form of owl, hence it is named as “Aulukya Darshana”
Structure of Vaisheshika Darshana
It contains 370 sutras in 10 chapters they are as follows –
- 1st Chapter about Dravya, Guna, Karma and Samavaya
- 2nd & 3rd Chapter about Nava dravya
- 4th Chapter about Paramanu Vada
- 5th Chapter about Karma
- 6th Chapter about Veda-pramanya, Dharma, Adharma
- 7th & 8th Chapter about Guna
- 9th Chapter about Abhava
- 1Oth Chapter about Sukha, Duhkha, Trividha Karana
He explained Shat bhava padartha, they are Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, Vishesha and Samavaya. (The commentators added Abhava as 7th Padartha?). Dravya, Guna and Karma are known as Ashraya and Samanya, Visesha and Samavaya are Ashrayi.
Prashastapada wrote Bhashya on Vaisheshika Darshana, it is known as Padartha-Dharma-Sangraha. He described Nava Karana Dravya, the basic elements to cause the creation, they are Pancha mahabhuta, Atma, Manas, Kala and Dik. He described Triguna, the Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Prashastapada believed the theory of Arambhawada. He explained in detail the theory of Paramanuvada (Pilupakavada) by which the structural and functional units of body can be assessed, that is –
- Minute invisible part is Paramanu
- Paramanu form Dwyanuka
- Dwyanuka form Trasarenu and so on
Maharshi Kanada explained and accepted two Pramana’s – 1) Pratyaksha (perception) and 2) Anumana (inference). Shabda and Upamana Pramana are also considered under Anumana Pramana.
Moksha is termed as Nihshreyas.
Atma is considered as Nitya, Aneka and Manas as Anu
For the Karya or creation, the Paramanu are Samavayi Karana, its Guna and Karma are Asamavayi Karana, Adrishta is Nimitta Karana and Dharma–Adharma are Sadharan Karana.

A Person has to finish his Karma-phala even by taking rebirth only after that he will attain salvation or moksha.
Five types of Karma are explained, they are –
1) Utkshepana (elevation or abduction)
2) Apakshepan (depression or adduction)
3) Akunchan (flexion)
4) Prasaran (extention)
5) Gamana (locomotion)
Kanada also talks about Mithya-jnana, Raga-dwesha (occur due to Dharma – Adharma) leads to Duhkha and Tattwa–jnana removes the Duhkha (different miseries). He explained 17+7 = 24 Gunas (17 original and 7 added by commentators) known as Vaisheshika Guna.
Description of Vaisheshika Gunas (24)
- Rupa – Received by Chakshurindriya, 7 types, they are Shukla-Nila-Rakta-Pita-Harita-Kapila-Chitra
- Rasa – Received by Rasanendriya, 6 types, they are Madura-Amla-Lavana-Katu-Tikta-Kashaya
- Gandha – Received by Ghranendriya, 2 types, they are Surabhi and Asurabhi
- Sparsha – Received by Sparshanendriya, 2 types, they are Sheeta and Ushna
- Shabda – Received by Shrotrendriya, 2 types, they are – Dwanyātmaka and Varnyātmaka
- Sankhya – Calculations, its starts from one to many
- Parimana – Measurements, 4 types, they are Anu, Mahat, Hraswa and Dirgha
- Prithaktwa – Distinguishing factor, 2 types, they are – Eka vritti and Eneka vritti
- Samyoga – Combinations, 2 types, they are – Karmaja and Samyogaja
- Vibhaga – Seperation of combination, 2 types, the are – Karmaja and Samyogaja
- Paratwa – Pradhanatwam, 2 types, Dik-krita and Kala-krita.
- Aparatwa – Apradhanatwam (Less important in many)
- Guru – Heaviness or Bulkiness due to Prithvi and Jala predominance
- Drava – Liquidity, 2 types, Sausiddhika (Water) and Naimittika (Ghee–Rajata–Swarna)
- Sneha – Oleusness, present is Ghrita, Taila, Vasa, Majja etc
- Buddhi – Means Jnana, 2 types, Smriti and Anubhava
- Sukha – ‘Anukūla-vedaniyam sukham, means the comfortess
- Duhkha – ‘Pratiküla-vedaniyam duhkham, means discomfortness
- Iccha– Wish or desire, 2 types, Phala-vyapini and Phalasadhak- vyapini
- Dwesha – Rejecting or disliking angrily or jealously, 2 types, Duhkha-upāya-vishayaka and Tat-sadhana-vishayaka
- Prayatna – An attmpt to do, 3 types Pravritti, Nivritti and Jivanyoni.
- Dharma – Performing Veda-vihita Karma to attain Swarga
- Adharma – Performing Veda-nishiddha karma leads to atttain Naraka
- Samskara – It is peculiar quality of things which potentiates the quality of other things, 3 types, Vega, Bhavan and Sthiti stapakata.
Summary of the Principles of Vaisheshika Darshana
- Type – Astika
- Puraka Darshana – Nyaya Darshana
- Karta – Maharshi Kanada
- Main Text – Vaisheshika Sutra
- Chapters – 10
- Sutras – 370
- Padarthas – 6 Padarthas (Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, Vishesha and Samavaya)
- Pramanas – Pratyaksha and Anumana
- Siddhanta and Vada – Paramanu-vada, Pilupaka-vada and Arambha-vada
- Commentator – Prashastapada
- Importance given to – Shat Padartha Varnana
- Prayojana – Moksha-prapti
Similarities of Vaisheshika Darshana and Ayurveda
There is a major contribution of Vaisheshika Darshan to Ayurveda.
- In Ayurveda, Vishesha Tattva plays a crucial role as it is utilized to alleviate the exacerbated factors by choosing opposing principles.
- Accepted Shat Padartha but the sequence is Samanya, Visesha, Guna, Dravya, Karma and Samavaya.
- In the realm of creation, there exists a similarity. Both affirm that Mula Prakriti or Avyakta gives rise to creation and that Parabrahma governs it.
- Paramanu-vada of Vaisheshika helped Ayurved to distinguish the objects or drugs like in Ahara-parinama, Dhatu-parinama etc,
- Both accepted the theory of Nava Karana dravyas.
- Among Vaisheshika 24 gunas Ayurveda accepted only 22 guna (except Dharma-Adharma)Similarity in the theory of Nityatwa of Atma and Anutwa of Manas. Both of them embraced the theory of Pancha-vidha Karma and also accepted theories such as Duhkha-karana, Tattwa-jnana, Karmaphala, Punarjanma, and Moksha.
- Both accepted the Pilupaka-vada.
Note 90% of both the theories are similar
Vaisheshika Darshan | Ayurveda |
1) Commentators accepted Abhava as 7th Padartha | 1) Abhava not accepted as a Padartha |
2) Atma Anekatwa | 2) Not Accepted |
3) 24 Gunas | 3) 41 Gunas |
4) Sequence of Padartha is Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, Vishesha, Samavaya | 4) The sequence is Samanya, Vishesha, Guna, Dravya, Karma, Samavaya |
5) 2 Pramanas | 5) 4 Pramanas |