In Ayurvedic classics, Sneha Kalpana has gained importance. Sneha Kalpana has been introduced as a Pharmaceutical preparation only in the Samhita period. It consists of Samskara anuvarthitwa guna Sneha can enhance the therapeutic properties of the drugs which are used in the preparation which makes the Ghrita Kalpana superior in the context of Sneha Kalpana.
Pippali or Piper longum (long pepper) is one of the best medicinal herbs in Ayurvedic practice, for ages. Studded with immense medicinal and disease-modifying properties, Pippali is used as both preventive as well as curative medicine. Pippali has been praised to have good Rasayana properties (Rasayana = immune-modulators, anti-aging, rejuvenators, disease modifiers, longevity promoters). Pippali used as a single herb, or as a part of the compound, yields a good cure in many systemic diseases, including stubborn and chronic ones. The Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana aims at increasing and enriching the quality of the tissues or dhatus with the active components…