A long healthy life is wish of every being from antiquity. Ayurveda is the science of life with aim of attaining health and curing disease of ill.
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां आरोग्यं मूलमुत्तमम् | रोगस्तस्यापहर्तारः श्रेयसो जीवितस्य च || (च.सू.१/१५)
Main aim of Ayurveda is to attain pious acts (Dharma), wealth (Artha), desire (Kama) and Salvation (Moksa) by health. Ill health takes away the health and happiness from life.

प्रयोजनं चास्य स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च | (च.सू.३०/२६)
Charaka emphasizes on the importance of maintenance of health of healthy person and curing the disease of the ill. Charaka considers the drugs which help in the maintenance of health.
किन्चिदोषप्रशमनंकिन्चिद्धातु प्रदुषणम् | स्वस्थवृतौ मतं किञ्चित्रिविधं द्रव्यमुच्यते | (च.सू.१/६७)
Drugs can be classified into those which pacify doshas, which vitiate doshas and maintain the health.
The condition free from the disease is called as ‘Swastha’ leading to regimen that keeps one self healthy is called ‘Swasthavritta’. Else where again the definition swasthavritta has been mentioned.
स्वस्मिन् स्थाने स्वस्मिन् कर्मणि स्वसु रूपे स्थीयते तत् वृत्तं स्वस्थवृत्तं ||
The condition where all doshas, dhatus and malas, are in their normal site, from performing normal functions is “Swastha”, “Vritta” means Achara, Charita or Bhava or regimens to be followed to attain health.