Allergic rhinitis manifests typical signs and symptoms of a cold, but it is not caused by any virus. It is mostly seasonal, coinciding with the flowering season, which witnesses more pollen in the air. Grass pollen, animal dander (old skin), dust mites, mold, and cat saliva can also cause allergies. Individuals typically experience one or more symptoms immediately after being exposed to the allergen. Allergic rhinitis is the body’s way of protecting itself from the allergen. When an allergen exposes the body, it releases histamines, natural chemicals to defend against contact. These histamines cause the symptoms.
Allergic rhinitis can be of two types, seasonal and chronic. Seasonal rhinitis mostly occurs in Spring and Autumn, caused by outdoor allergens. Indoor substances like house paints, sprays, or dust mites can cause Chronic Rhinitis, which can occur at any time during the year. Few other factors like temperature fluctuations, sudden onset of cold, humidity, exposure to cigarette smoke, hairspray, perfumes, colognes, wood/coal smoke, or fumes trigger or worsen allergic rhinitis.
Ayurveda’s View
Ayurveda lists six characteristic symptoms of allergic rhinitis. These are sneezing, nasal congestion, headaches, breathlessness, itching in the nasal and throat region, and nasal discharge.
Multiple reasons may lead to the accumulation of toxins or ‘Ama’ in the body, with weak digestion and low immunity being the most common causes. The build-up of toxins aggravates ‘Kapha’ (water) in the body, resulting in allergies.
The first step toward the Ayurvedic way of healing is balancing the three doshas (biological energies found in the human body).
Ayurvedic treatment involves clearing the sinus, expelling the phlegm, and detoxification according to the individual’s dosha. Panchakarma is also recommended. Nasal drop therapy or Nasya can be administered under the supervision of an Ayurvedic doctor.

Signs and Symptoms
- Obstruction of nasal passage, blocked nose
- Runny nose for a long time, even for weeks
- Itching or irritating nose, eye, and throat
- Continuous heavy sneezing
- Congestion of nose
- Tears in eyes
- Fever
Causes of Allergic rhinitis
- Mandagni – Low digestion strength or immunity
- Kapha Vruddhi – Increase of Kapha dosha
- Allergens – External factors such as pollen, dust, etc
- Residing with pet animals
- Exposure to humidity, dust, and cold
- Viruddha Sahara – Wrong food combinations
- Long term intake of drugs like aspirin, leading to depleted immunity and making the person prone to dust allergies
According to symptoms, it is classified in six types.
- Vataja Pratishaya – Sneezing or Nasal congestion
- Kaphaja Pratishaya – Breathlessness or Shwasa kashtata
- KaphaVataja Pratishaya – Nasal discharge
- VataKaphaja Pratishaya – Headache
- KaphaRaktaja Pratishaya – Itching in nasal & oral region
Ayurvedic Treatment for Allergic rhinitis
If the symptoms are severe and in chronic conditions, Vamana Panchakarma treatment, followed by Virechana, is administered. This helps to relieve Ama and balance Tridosha. Practitioners administer Nasya treatment (nasal drops therapy) with herbal oils such as Anu taila or Shadbindu taila when the patient possesses normal digestive strength.
After the above Panchakarma treatments, Ayurvedic medicines are administered to improve respiratory immunity and strength of the upper respiratory tract.
Ayurvedic Medicines
- Mahalaxmi Vilas Rasa
- Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa
- Anand bhairava Rasa
- Sitopaladi Choorna
- Marichyadi Yoga
- Nimarajanyadi Vati
Tips to reduce symptoms of Allergic rhinitis
- Avoid eating junk, unhealthy food, and wrong food combinations.
- Do not consume stale food.
- Avoid or restrict foods like wheat, dairy, refined sugar, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, and peppers.
- Find time for regular exercise and relaxation to enhance optimum health and well-being.
- Follow regular mealtimes and don’t skip meals.
- Eat slowly and chew properly for effective digestion.
- Don’t sleep in the open.
- Avoid heavy, fermented and sour food, bananas, sweets, curd, ice creams, cakes, alcohol, and cold beverages.
- Drinking milk boiled with freshly grated ginger and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder is beneficial.
- If exposed to sudden cold rub eucalyptus oil on the chest at night.
What to Eat ?
- Light food, lukewarm water, rock salt and legumes are suggested.
- Have Amla (Indian Gooseberry) powder mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey twice a day.
- Add 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon of liquorice root powder, 1.5 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger, and 10-12 basil leaves to a cup of water. Reduce it to half by boiling. Drink it lukewarm in the morning and evening as a substitute for tea and coffee.
- Kashaya powder – Lightly roast, 1 cup coriander seeds, 1/2 cup cumin seeds, 1/4 cup fennel seeds and 1 tbsp black pepper, 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds. Grind finely and store. Make tea by boiling 1/2 cup milk and water each, and 1/2 teaspoon of Kashaya powder. Close the gas and add jaggery powder according to taste. Drink every morning.
- Drinking 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder boiled with a pinch of salt lessens the symptoms.
- Always carry few cloves and black peppercorns with you. Keep two pieces in the mouth whenever you feel even a slight symptom.
Allergic Rhinitis can cause significant discomfort. Treating it the Ayurveda way removes the root cause and increases immunity. Ayurvedic remedies start showing improvement within a few days. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle with Ayurvedic treatment can be a lasting cure for this disease.