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Tag: osteoarthritis

Ayurvedic management for Sandhigatavata

Ayurvedic management for Sandhigatavata

The physiological functions of the body will be governed by three doshas, that is, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vitiation of these doshas leads to disease manifestation. In old age, there is progressive decaying in the body structures resulting in various degenerative disorders including Sandhigatavata due to the predominance of Vata. Osteoarthritis (OA) of modern medical science is considered to be its close equivalent. According to a survey, osteoarthritis tops all the ailments in the country. In India, the prevalence is higher among women, especially menopausal women. The current pharmacological management of osteoarthritis includes the administration of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory…

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