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Tag: Ayurveda Skin Concept

Skin Care – Ayurvedic Concept of Skin

Skin is the seat of a sense organ. The senses of touch, pain, temperature, pressure are felt by it. It is a Matruj Avyava i.e. derived from mother or having a maternal origin. It gives external covering to the whole body.The seven layers of skin get their nutrition from Mansa Dhatu {muscle tissue}. It is known as a UpDhatu (secondary tissue product) of the Raktadhatu (blood) because it only mimics the Dhatu’s in beholding the body. It does not do Poshan Karma i.e. do not give nutrition to the other Dhatus.

Ayurvedic Skin Care for various Skin Types

Ayurvedic Skin Care

In the intricate tapestry of skincare rituals, Ayurveda shines as a beacon of personalized well-being. Rooted in ancient wisdom, this holistic approach acknowledges the unique constitutions or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Adapting skincare routines to harmonize with these distinct doshas not only nurtures external radiance but also cultivates internal equilibrium. Delve into the depths of Ayurvedic skin care tailored for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha skin types to unveil the secrets of nurturing and sustaining vibrant skin health.

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