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Skin Care – Stress and Skin Relation

Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life, and it can affect our health in many ways. One of the areas where stress can have a significant impact is our skin. When we’re stressed, our bodies release hormones that can cause inflammation, breakouts, and other skin problems. That’s why it’s important to take care of your skin, especially when you’re under stress. In this blog, we’ll explore the relationship between stress and skin care, and provide tips on how to manage stress and maintain healthy, glowing skin. So if you’re looking for ways to take care of your skin in today’s fast-paced world, keep reading!

Effect of stress on skin

There are three types of stress, and all three impact the skin in different ways. Mental stress starts a chain reaction that ends in drying out the moisture in the skin. Thinning, dryness and the shrinking of the ‘strotas’ (microchannels) that carry nutritive fluid to the skin resulting in wrinkles and stress lines. Emotional stress also affects the skin-just to notice how anger or embarrassment can turn your face red. This shows the connection between emotions and skin. If emotional stress becomes chronic, the result is acne, sun sensitivity, and other Pitta-based problems. Physical stress Exercising too much, working too much, or straining the body over a period of time causes physical stress. This causes the drying out of skin moisture and rough, aged skin.

To counteract mental stress, maintain a Vata-pacifying diet and daily routine. To bring emotional stress into balance, follow a Pitta-pacifying diet and routine. For physical stress, try to limit exercise or work to fifty percent of your physical stamina.

Holistic treatment for skin health

The holistic management of health problems in Ayurveda comprises the three-fold scientific approach towards diseases through diet, lifestyle, and medicine.

Ayurveda has stated that skin diseases occur primarily due to sluggish liver function, which leads Pitta and Kapha Dosha dysfunction when toxins build up and the liver is overwhelmed, then the impurities show up in break-outs and other skin problems.

Another vital factor that contributes to healthy appearance is the clean bowel: hence the need for regular and complete bowel evacuation. In order to achieve this, a mild laxative like ‘Triphala’ and a light diet is advisable if one suffers from constipation. Also, be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day to help flush out the impurities. In spring you can sip hot water to help melt the ama (digestive impurities) that have accumulated.

Scientifically treatments have been classified as Shodhana & Shamana.

Shodhan Chikitsa

When doshas are vitiated in large quantities & disease is chronic then shodhan chikitsa should apply first. Acharyas have classified shodhana as Basti, Vaman, Virechana, Raktamokshana (Bloodletting) & nasya.

Shaman Chikitsa

When doshas are minimally imbalanced & the body is weak. Shaman Treatment is more important. Shaman treatment can be classified as external & internal. Administration of proper food, medicines by mouth is internal treatment & the application of medicated oil, lepa (ointment), etc is external treatment.

Herbs for skin care

Ayurveda has said that for all skin diseases ‘Khadira’ is best as oral medicine and ‘Aragwad’ is best for local application. Shirish, Lamajjak, Nagkesara, and Lodhra are used for Hyperhydrosis and as an anti sweating agent. Tejpatra, Ambu, Lodhra, Abhay {Khas} and Chandan are used as Daurghandya- har {to prevent body odor} Charaka has mentioned a group of 10 drugs, which are promoters of complexion. They are known as the ‘Varnya Dravya’: Chandan (Sandalwood), Lal Nagkesar (Fragrant Poon), Padmaka (Himalayan Cherry), Ushir (Cuscus Grass),Madhuka(Liquorice), Manjishtha(Madder), Payasa(White Yam) , Shita (White Scutch Grass), Lata (Black Scutch Grass).

Shata Dhout Ghruta

Traditional Ayurvedic Skin Cream – It’s completely natural and chemical-free. Very useful for achieving radiant and glowing skin. Shatadhout Ghruta is prepared from organic ghee (made from cow milk) by washing it repeatedly 100 times using the specific method prescribed in Ayurveda. This process transforms the ghee into a soft, cooling, nourishing, silky cream. To enhance the effect herbal churnas of Palash, Vata, Udumber, Ashwatha are added to it. Recommended use: It is an excellent Astringent, Moisturiser, Anti-wrinkle & Cleansing cream. It can be used as a daily moisturizer on the face (or whole-body) or for facial massage. Also, it has a calming effect on reddish or burned skin, and on eczema and rosacea. Thus, it helps in maintaining skin care as well as stress due to its calming properties.

Kumkumadi Oil

One popular proprietary ayurvedic formulation for skin care is Kumkumadi oil. This oil is made from a blend of natural ingredients such as saffron, sandalwood, turmeric, and sesame oil. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help improve skin texture, reduce dark circles and blemishes, and promote a healthy glow.

Triphala Churna

Another popular ayurvedic formulation for skin care is Triphala churna. This powder is made from a blend of three fruits – amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki – and is believed to have cleansing and detoxifying properties that can help remove toxins from the body and promote healthy skin. It can be used as a face mask or as a supplement for internal cleansing.

Chandanadi Taila

One more popular proprietary ayurvedic formulation for skin care is Chandanadi taila. This oil is made from a blend of sandalwood and other natural ingredients, and is believed to have soothing and cooling properties that can help reduce inflammation, itching, and other skin problems. It is often used to treat acne, sunburn, and other skin irritations.

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