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Roots of Strotas – Moolasthana

Moolasthana of strotas, often referred to as the roots of strotas, serve as the pivotal points for the proper functioning of strotas – channels within the body responsible for the transportation of substances. These roots are instrumental in both the formation (utpatti) and transportation (vahana) of specific substances related to the respective strotas.

Significance of Moolasthanas

The Moolasthanas transcend mere physical locations; they wield control over associated channels. These sites play a pivotal role in clinical assessments, acting as controlling organs for strotas examination. Functioning as key focal points, Moolasthanas hold authority over connected organs. They are essential for understanding and analyzing the intricate web of physiological processes. In clinical assessments, these sites emerge as dynamic entities, influencing and shaping the overall diagnostic landscape.

Role of Moolasthanas in Examination

Examining the moolasthana is crucial as it correlates with the respective strotas. The channel’s root is often easily accessible for examination, making it a vital aspect of clinical evaluation. This examination provides valuable insights into the overall health and functioning of the system. Understanding the moolasthana helps healthcare professionals identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and effective management of the patient’s condition. In summary, examining the moolasthana is an essential step in ensuring comprehensive and proactive clinical care.

Moolasthana of Strotas

Foundational Factors for Dhatu Formation

Jatharagni, dhatuagni, and strotasas are pivotal for dhatu formation. They constitute the body’s tissues. These factors, along with doshas, dhatus, and malas, play an indispensable role in maintaining overall health.

Importance of Unobstructed Strotasas

Unimpeded strotasas are paramount for the manufacturing of new tissues and facilitating the proper flow of nutrients and waste materials. Impaired strotas functions lead to dosha stagnation. Keeping strotas clean is vital for health preservation.

Moolasthana of Each Strotas

The table below delineates the moolasthana of strotas or controlling organ for each dhatu, shedding light on the intricate network of control and balance within the

No.StrotasMoola sthana
1Rasavaha strotasHriday, Sira
2Raktavaha strotasYakrit, Pleeha, Raktavaha Sira
3Mamsavaha strotasSnayu, Twacha
4Medovaha strotasVrikka, Vapavahana
5Asthivaha strotasMedo dhatu, Jaghana
6Majjavaha strotasAsthi dhatu, Sandhi
7Shukravaha strotasVrishana, Shephas

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