Aushadha Sevana Kala is a fundamental concept in Ayurveda that outlines the timing and guidelines for the consumption of herbal medicines. It emphasizes the importance of taking medicines at the right time, in the right quantity, and with the right combination to ensure maximum effectiveness and minimal side effects. According to Ayurveda, the timing of medicine intake is critical, as it can have a significant impact on the body’s ability to absorb and utilize the medicinal properties of the herbs. By following Aushadha Sevana Kala, individuals can optimize the therapeutic benefits of herbal medicines and promote their overall health and well-being.
व्याने तु प्रातर शितं॥
(च. चि. ३०/२९९)
Administration of drug in the early morning on the empty Stomach is known as abhakta kala. Charaka has advised in the vitiation of vyana vata. It is the first aushadha sevana kala mentioned in charak samhita.
तत्राभम्त तुुु यत् केवलमेवौषधमुपयुज्यते। वीर्याधिक भवति भेषजमन्नहीनं हन्यातथााऽऽ मयम संशय माशु चैव। तद् बालवृध्दावनितामृदवस्तु पीत्वा ग्लानि परांसमुपयान्ति बलक्षयं च |
(सु. उ. ६४/६९ )
Susruta has stated that administration of in abhakta kāla become very Potent in the absence of food and call the disease efficiently. It contra indicated in bala, vriddha, vanita, mridu Persons in order to avoid glani and bala ksaya
यत्राहार जीर्ण अषजा, भेषजे जीणे चाहार: तत अनन्नम् अभक्त नाम ।
Hemadri, the commentator of Astanga Hridaya has mentioned this bhaishajya kala as ananna. The drug Should be administered in the morning after the complete digestion of food which was taken in the previous right.
प्राकत नाम यत प्राग्भकतस्योपयुन्यतेमहवदनानिति ।
शीघ्रं विषाकमुपयाति बतं न हिस्यादन्नावृतं न च |
कियुप्राप्कत सेवित अभोषधमेतव क्याज वृढ बिरा, -जी- कशाडामाव्यः ||
(सु. उ. ६४/७१ )
Administration of drug before food is known as Prāgbhakta. The drug administered before food is easily digestible and not harming the Strength. It does not cause vomiting as there is no contact with food. It is indicated for children, old people, women, lean & thin persons & persons of different phobia.
प्राकत नाम यदनिरभक्तम ।
तदमानानिलविकृतावधः कायस्य च बलाघानार्নयादगातेपु ।
च व्याविषु प्रयमनाय कृणी करनार्थ च योज्यम् ||
According to Ashtanga Sangraha, it is indicated for apana vayu vikrities and it gives strength to adhah kaya.
अ्धोक्ते नाम-यदधो भक्तस्यन्नि पीत यदन्नमुपयुन्य तदध्वकाय, हन्याद् गदान् बहुविधांध बलं ददात |
(सु . उ. ६४/७४ )
According to Sushruta, the administration of drug after food is known as adho bhakta. This oushadha kala indicated for disease originated from urdhva kaya and to gives strength and gains body weight.
According to vriddha vagbhata , the drug should be administered in the morning and evening after food for vitiation of vyana vayu and udana vayu
मध्येचत नाम- यत्सध्ये भक्तस्य पीयते ।
मध्ये तु पीतमपहन्त्यविसारिभाषाये मध्यदेहमभितूय ||
(सु. उ. ६४/७४ )
Drug administration in middle of meals along with food is known as madhya bhakta. It is indicated in Samana vata vikaras, pitta rogas, koshta gata vikaras and Madhya deha rogas.
समाने मध्यभोजन |
Charaka has advised madhya bhakta bheshajakala for Samana vata vikaras.
अन्तराध्यक्तं नाम- यदन्तरा पीयते पपिरयोभक्तयोः ।
According to Sushruta, administration of drugs after digestion of morning food in the afternoon is known as antara bhakta. Diet will be in the evening after digestion of the drug.
In the Same manner, as per vriddha vagbhata, the drug can be administered in the morning after complete digestion of food consumed in previous night and it should be followed by lunch after complete digestion of drug. It is hridya, mano balakara, dipana, and pathya.
सभक्त नाम- यत् सह अक्तेन ।
फयं संभक्तमबलाबल योहि मिर्त्य,तद देषिणामपि तथा शिकुवृष्धयो |
Administration of drugs either processed in food along food is known as sabhakta. It is useful to children, women, old age people, and people who have consumed eversion towards drugs. It is indicated in aruchi and Sarvangagata roga.
सामुद्गम्यो द्विजो नित्यमात्मविशुद्धिमिच्छति ।
दिवा संध्यांश्च श्लक्ष्णांश्च तिष्ठेत्स्वस्थो रसायने ॥
Administration of drug at beginning & ending of meals is known as samudga. Pacana dravyas,avalehas, curnas of laghu guna are administered in Samudga kala. It is Specially prescribed in cases of hikka, kampa vata, aksepaka vata, urdhra and adhogata dosar.
A wise person who seeks purification of the soul should consume medicines in the morning and evening, and should also take care to consume light and easily digestible food. This practice is believed to enhance the effectiveness of the herbal medicines and promote overall health and well-being.
Muhur Muhur
Administration of drugs in repeated intervals is known as Muhur muhur. It is advised in the case of Shvasa, kasa, hikka, chardi, trushna and visha roga.
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे, यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे अन्नभोजनकालोऽपि, विशेषेण विचिन्तयेत्।
This shloka emphasizes the importance of eating meals at regular intervals. It states that just as the universe is made up of small particles, and these particles come together to form the universe as a whole, so too is the human body made up of small cells and tissues, and the nourishment we consume helps to form our body as a whole. Therefore, one should pay attention to the quality and quantity of their food, as well as the intervals at which they consume it.
Administration of drugs along with food bolus is known as Sagrasa. It is advised in case of Pranavayu vitiation. Agni diptikara churnas to improve jatharagni and for mandagni patients vajikerana dravyos, vati and lehyos see advised in this bhaisajya kala.
“भूषयंति हस्तान् स्वास्थ्यमारोग्यं सग्रसं विषमेषु साधुः कालो न प्रतिक्रमते।
पित्तकामः पिबति च लघुवृत्तिरश्नाति वातः श्लथति च रसभाजः सग्रसस्तु कालः॥”
Charak Samhita Sutrasthana (Chapter 17, Verse 38)
This shloka describes the Sagrasa Aushadha Kala. It states that a wise person should adorn their hands with the ornaments of good health and freedom from disease. The time of Sagrasa Aushadha, when medicines are taken with food, is a crucial period and should not be missed. During this period, Pitta increases and there is a need for light foods, while Vata becomes aggravated and there is a need to consume warm and nourishing foods. This is the time to take medicines that help balance the body’s doshas and promote good health.
Grasantara – aushadha sevana kala refers to the administration of drugs in between two boluses of food. It is recommended for treating conditions such as vamana using dhuma and Svasa, kasa, hridaroga, and vitiation of prana vayu using avaleha.
“ग्रासान्तरे तु कालं सर्वं औषध प्रभवं च तत् ।
व्याधीशं भेषजं विद्धि संवत्सरान्तरं तथा ॥”
Charak Samhita
All the effects of medicine, the time for taking it, its potency, the effects of disease, and the means of correcting it, vary with the seasons.
Doctors advise administering drugs at bedtime, which is known as Nishi, for patients with Jatrurdhva gata roga, Vamana dhuma and mala karaka, and mridu virechana dravyas.
षडंगवायव संयुक्तं नक्तमिव शरीरिणाम्।
अन्नस्य परिणामस्ति, निशामन्नं विधीयते॥
Charaka Samhita (Sutrasthana) 22/3
This shloka emphasizes the importance of eating at night or Nishi Annakala. It suggests that during the night, the body transforms and assimilates the food consumed by it into its tissues, just as the body is composed of six organs or angas, the night also has six parts. Therefore, it is essential to have a balanced and nourishing meal during Nishi Annakala.