Atreya, also known as Atri, was a prominent physician and philosopher who lived around 500 BCE. He, along with Charaka and Sushruta, founded Ayurveda, and his teachings significantly shaped modern Ayurvedic practice. Through this blog, we aim to provide you with an in-depth understanding of Atreya’s life, his philosophy, and his approach to Ayurvedic medicine. We will explore his key works, such as the Atreya Samhita, and analyze his contributions to the field of Ayurveda.
The aim for this blog is to provide valuable resources for anyone interested in Ayurveda and its history. We hope it will inspire you to explore Atreya’s rich legacy and teachings further.
Basic information of Atreya
Atreya was the greatest scholar of Kayachikitsa. He was the son of Sage Atri. He learned the science of Ayurveda from Bharadwaja (directly from Indra as per other concept) and taught to his six disciples known as Agnivesha, Bhela, Harita, Parashara, Jathukarna and Ksharapani. Atreya is known as Bhagavan Atreya, Punarvasu Atreya, Krishnaatreya and Chandrabhaga –
- Atreya – He was son of Maharshi Atri
- Bhagawan Atreya – Atreya is called Bhagavan because he possesses knowledge of birth, death, material science, spiritual science, and knowledge of creation.
- Punarvasu Atreya – He was born in Punarvasu nakshatra hence called as Punarvasu Atreya
- Krishnaatreya – He belonged to the Krishnayajurveda Shakha or is possibly referred to as Krishnaatreya due to his black complexion.
- Chandrabhaga – He was called as Chandrabhaga, it might be due to son of chandrabhagi or resident on the banks of river Chandra bhagi.
All the names mentioned above are synonyms of Atreya.

Bhikshu Atreya
In the history of Ayurveda, Bhikshu Atreya holds a special place as one of the greatest teachers and philosophers of medicine in ancient India. Though he lived around 700 BC, his teachings and contributions have left an indelible mark on the field of medicine, especially Ayurveda. In this blog, we will delve into the life, teachings, and legacy of Bhikshu Atreya, revered as the Father of Scientific Medicine in ancient India.
Early Life and Career
Bhikshu Atreya was a Buddhist and a renowned teacher of Jivaka, who was the personal physician of Buddha. He worked as a professor at the prestigious Takshashila University, where he taught medicine and philosophy. He gained renown for using innovative teaching methods that engaged his students through a question-and-answer format and fostered a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Teaching Methods of Bhikshu Atreya
Bhikshu Atreya’s teaching methods were a reflection of his deep understanding of medicine and his commitment to imparting knowledge in a way that was accessible to all. His teaching style involved a clear announcement of the subject matter he intended to teach. During Atreya’s teaching sessions, he facilitated an engaging discussion where his brilliant disciples interjected with intelligent comments. He employed a question-and-answer approach to teaching, enabling his students to actively participate and enhance their comprehension of the subject matter. He would often ask his students and other scholars about their views before presenting his final opinion. It was a unique and inclusive approach to learning.
Contributions to Ayurveda
- He’s contributions to Ayurveda are numerous and significant. He was the first person to introduce the concept of rational medicine. Which emphasized the importance of scientific reasoning and observation in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
- Atreya’s teachings laid the foundation for the understanding of Tridosha, Panchamahabhuta, Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava. He also given other key concepts in Ayurveda, which are still relevant today.
- He also made significant strides in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. These illness were previously believed to be caused by divine or supernatural elements.
- He was the first person to identify irregular diet and regimen as the cause of insanity. It was a groundbreaking discovery in the field of medicine.
- Bhikshu Atreya formulated the widely-used Pushyanuga Churna to treat various ailments, and he is credited with its creation. This powerful blend of herbs has potent healing properties that have stood the test of time.
Atreya Sampradaya – Atreya tradition of Ayurveda
The Kaya Chikitsa tradition of Ayurveda, also known as General Medicine. It is one of the most popular and widely practiced branches of Ayurveda. It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the human body, mind, and soul. The Atreya Sampradaya tradition traces its origins back to its founder, Punarvasu Atreya, a distinguished physician and philosopher who lived around 500 BCE. Scholars regard him as one of Ayurveda’s founding fathers, alongside Charaka and Sushruta. Atreya learned the science of Ayurveda from his guru, Indra. He taught him and his six disciples – Agnivesha, Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita, and Ksharapani. All of his disciples went on to compose books on Ayurveda, with Agnivesha’s work being the most prominent.
Unfortunately, Agnivesha’s original work is no longer available in its original form. Charaka and Dridhabala redacted it at later periods, and it is now known as the Charaka Samhita.
The Atreya Sampradaya tradition emphasizes the holistic approach to health and wellness. They considers the body, mind, and soul as interconnected entities. Atreya’s teachings focus on the importance of understanding the root cause of diseases, rather than just treating the symptoms. He also emphasized the role of diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies in maintaining good health.
The Atreya Sampradaya tradition has had a profound impact on the practice of Ayurveda. It has influenced the development of various sub-specialties within Ayurveda, including Panchakarma, Rasayana, and Vajikarana. It has also contributed to the growth of Ayurvedic education and research.