In the cyclic rhythm of life, our bodies continually undergo wear and tear, demanding a constant supply of nourishment (Ahara Rasa) to sustain the dhatus (bodily tissues). The quality of nourishment or ahara rasa crucially hinges upon the foods we consume. Through the intricate process of digestion, food transforms into essential bodily constituents. According to Ayurvedic wisdom, Panchabhautika food, encompassing all six tastes or rasas, holds the prowess to effectively nourish the Panchabhautika body.
Formation of Ahara Rasa
Living body is continuously subjected to wear and tear process. Dhatus needs constant nourishment. Nourishment of the body or dhatu depends upon the quality of food. Food is converted to body constituents by the process of digestion. Panchabhautika food which consists of all six rasas is able to nourish Panchabhautika body.
तत्र पाञ्चभौतिकस्य चतुर्विधस्य षड्रसस्य द्विविधवीर्यस्याष्टविधवीर्यस्य
वाऽनेकगुणस्योपयुक्तस्याहारस्य सम्यक्परिणतस्य यस्तेजोभूतः सारः परमसूक्ष्मः स रसः इत्युच्यते।
(सु. सू. १४/३)
Panchabhautika food, characterized by the six tastes (sweat, salty, sour, bitter, pungent, astringent), undergoes a transformative journey during digestion. This process yields the refined sara, sukshma, and tejobhuta ahara rasa, which embodies various properties, empowering it to nurture the body’s diverse tissues or dhatus.
Circulation of Ahara Rasa
तस्य हृदयं स्थानं, स हृदयाच्चतुर्विंशतिधमनीरनुप्रविश्योर्ध्वगादश दशाधोगामिन्यश्चतस्रश्च तिर्यग्गाः कृत्स्नं शरीरमहरहस्तर्पयति वर्धयति धारयति यापयति चादृष्टहेतुकेन कर्मणा |
(सु. सू. १४/३)
Upon entering the heart, ahara rasa navigates through the twenty-four dhamanis (channels) emanating from the heart, initiating a systematic circulation. Among these channels, ten extend upward, ten downward, and four branch off laterally. This orchestrated circulation ensures the comprehensive distribution of it, enabling it to fulfill its vital functions: tarpana (nourishment), vardhana (growth), dharana (support), and preservation (yapana).

वर्धयतीति बालं; धारयतीति मध्यं सम्पूर्णधातुत्वात् ।
यापयतीति वृद्धं क्षीयमाणदेहत्वात् ।
(सु. सू. १४/३ – डल्हन)
According to Dalhana, the functions of rasa vary at different stages of life. In children, ahara rasa predominantly fosters tarpana and vardhana, while in old age, it sustains physiological activities termed as ‘yapana‘. During middle age, when the body is fully developed, it primarily undertakes the chief function of supporting or ‘dharana‘ for the developed body.
Absorption of Ahara-Rasa
The pivotal role of jatharagni, the digestive fire, is evident in the creation of ahara rasa. This nutrient-rich essence materializes within grahani, the gastrointestinal tract. Samana Vayu, a specific subtype of Vata dosha, facilitates the absorption of ahara ras, orchestrating its transit from the grahani to the heart. From this juncture, ahara rasa embarks on an intricate journey, circulating throughout the body to reach and vitalize every cell.
जाठराग्निना विपक्व सारभूतः आहाररसः ग्रहणितः समानमरुतेः इरितः सिराभिः हृदयं गच्छति ।
रसस्तु हृदयं याति समान मरुतेरितः ।
In this way ahara rasa is formed from food. It consists of nutrients of seven dhatus. Nourishment of dhatu is the important function of ahara ras. Improper food, behavior, imbalanced agni can affect ahara-ras, therefore one should have balanced diet, for proper nourishment of it and ultimately for proper nourishment of body.
Impact of Balanced Diet and Agni
Ahara rasa, derived from food, encapsulates nutrients from seven dhatus (bodily tissues). The nourishment of these dhatus stands as a critical function of ahara rasa. However, the quality of food, one’s behavior, and balanced agni (digestive fire) significantly influence ahara rasa. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet becomes imperative for proper nourishment, ensuring the overall well-being of the body.
The transformation of Panchabhautika food into rasa is a multi-stage process crucial to the sustenance of bodily tissues. Once the six tastes of food undergo digestion, they form a refined essence known as Ahara ras. Ayurveda considers this essential substance as the essence of all bodily tissues and believes it possesses the properties of seven dhatus – Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (adipose), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), and Shukra/Artava (reproductive tissues). It is this potent blend of nutrients that forms the basis of nourishment for the entire body.
Ayurvedic Dietary Guidelines
According to Ayurveda, the concept of Ahara Vidhi Vidhana emphasizes the significance of mindful eating and dietary choices. Consuming fresh, seasonal, and wholesome foods that balance the six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, astringent) is advocated for promoting the formation of high-quality ahara rasa. Additionally, the timing of meals, portion sizes, and eating in a calm, relaxed environment are all considered important factors in ensuring the proper formation and absorption of it.
The profound insights of Ayurveda into the formation, absorption, circulation, and functions of ahara rasa highlight its pivotal role in maintaining overall health and vitality. Embracing a holistic approach to nutrition and digestion, as guided by Ayurvedic principles, holds the key to harnessing the potential of ahara ras for optimal well-being and longevity.